Project & Programs Management – Technical Assistance

Learn more about our successfully delivered projects in the area of Technical Assistance as well as Social, Technical, Economic and Developmental studies.

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Technical assistance to Ministry of Economy and Finance for the preparation of annual reports, with regard to Operational Programs of the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007–2013 period. (2009).

Ministry of Development – General Secretariat for Commerce

Management Consultancy with regard to the Implementation of General Commercial Register (in Greek: GEMI). (2007) [The General Commercial Register includes useful information pertaining to the member companies of the Greek Chambers, such as the profile, activities, products, financial data, personnel, and the general conditions of each company]

Ministry of Development – G.S.R.T – Greek Research & Technology Network (GRNET)

Results Evaluation of the Training Support for the program “GO ONLINE” [3rd Community Support Framework – Operational Program ‘Information Society’] (2006-2008)

General Secretariat for Research & Technology

“A Customizable Environment for e-Learning (CLEAR-QUEST) for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Quality Management”, in the framework of the Joint e-Learning Program of the Operational Program “Information Society” (2004-2005)

[The project was realized by a business scheme including, apart from TECMOR S.A.: Κ-ΝΕΤ S.A., The Labrakis Study Foundation, ΕΡΙ Companies Group – COMMUNICATION SERVICES S.A., The Greek Network for Corporate Social Responsibility, TÜV Hellas, Research Center – Athens Univesity of Economics and Business, ΚΕ.ΜΕ.Χ. National & Kapodistrian Univesity of Athens]

Patras Science Park (ΕΔΙΠ-ΕΠΠ)

Third Party Evaluation (On-going) of the Business Innovation Centre of Western Greece (2008)

Commission of the European Communities - D.G. Employement

An Integrated Mentoring Plan for the Local Effective Management of EmploymeNT” – IMPLEMENT In the framework of the B2-1630 budget “Radical approaches on change management’ – ARTICLE 6 (2006)

Study of the restructuring repercussions to female employment, (employed and unemployed women) and its support towards sectors that take advantage of this restructuring (Information Technology, Tourism, Health – Welfare) at the Prefecture of Attica.

Public Properties Company (ETAD S.A.)

Support and provision of technical services to PPCo for the inclusion and funding of the following two projects at the Operational Programme “Administrative Reform 2007-2013”: a) Update of topographic and geographic features of the PPCo’s property and b) Digitization of PPCo’s archival materials for electronic access (total budget aprox. €10 millions) (2013)

Ministry of Labor – E.U. Initiative “Equal” (1ST CYCLE)

Participation in the elaboration and implementation of the following three proposals were approved and implemented under the E.U. Initiative EQUAL. (2001-2005):

Project title : “Employment and Career Paths,” Leader of the Central Union of Greek Chambers and members of the DP ‘NETWORK BUSINESS ADVISORY AND PROMOTIONAL EMPLOYMENT, except TECMOR, Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Athens, Lambrakis Research Foundation, Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources of Panteion University Network for HPC and HPC terms and INTEGRATION.

In this program, TECMOR conducted a Research Field in Construction Industries, Tourism, Information and Communication “and” Inventory – Mapping of jobs offered by companies and required by location and specialty skills.

Project title: “Forum on Social Cohesion”, Leader of the Athens News Agency and members of the Developmental Partnership for Equality and Social Cohesion”, except TECMOR, the Institute of Social Work, the Greek Network for Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Athens, the National Youth Foundation, UNICEF, the Athens Labour Centre, Doctors Without Borders, the Villages SOS, the City Acharnon, the Centre for Employment and Entrepreneurship of the Municipality of Athens, etc.

TECMOR produced “Guide Successful Practice Occupational Integration”, since it has collected, studied and codified Best Practices occupational integration of economic migrants and refugees, and “Code of Conduct for the smooth integration of economic migrants and refugees into the labor market and relative awareness of employers.

Project title : “Adaptation Physically Disabled in targeted workplaces”, Leader of the Social Work Foundation and members of Dev. Partnership ‘Proteas’ outside TECMOR, University of Athens, Lambrakis Foundation, the company makes sense, ERT, the company VPRC, the City Egaleo organizations DISABILITY NOW / PASYPKA / ELEPAP / Spastic Society, the Regional General Hospital Attica KAT, the Greek Network for Corporate Social Responsibility.